How to restore a Dero wallet from your seed/keys

If your seed is not working you may need to restore it from your keys


spend key secret

spend key public

view key public

nothing works, nothing fits. very unpleasant.

Error: Electrum-style word list failed verification

Step 1] Copy paste your seed in wordpad or any other good editor and count there are 25 words total in seed. Make sure no extra/invisible characters during copy/paste.
Example of seed:
писать щека пепел язва орбита фаворит жанр кидать внятный убогий идол чукча ломать тыкать флот салон склад суждение фантазия вена здешний пощечина мумия нагрузка орбитат

Step 2] Execute steps as shown in following image:

Just in case you still get any error, try this on any other operating system like linux in VirtualBox or Vmware. It may be Operating System Language encoding issues.

Tried on three different computers, tried to enter manually, nothing has changed. Thank you for trying to help.
Error: Electrum-style word list failed verification

Tried on three different computers, tried to enter manually, nothing has changed. Thank you for trying to help.
Error: Electrum-style word list failed verification

can, if you do it, will you come and transfer me to another coin purse?

Have you tried on any Linux machine. You can use any Linux Live OS/Virtual machine.
Use Linux Pre-compiled binaries, just use wallet no need to sync chain etc.

updated on April.9/2018

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I am updating wallet from old cli to new wallet. It is possible to restore wallet from private key instead of seed correct?

I am asking because the new wallet has a different public address, but my private keys show the same in the new wallet as they do in the old wallet.


Never mind, I figured out what I was doing wrong. Found view seed command in the old CLI, backed up this time!

Hello/ I have problem how frolov. When i did (3)

But here no balance. I have another wallet, with balance. I know seed, i know password. You can help me?

Is your daemon running and 100% synced?

yes/ deamon downloaded and runned. It show me another walet, with no balance

I have old files. Maybe it file have in this?


Can you use menu option 3 to restore from seed - this should generate your wallet in the new daemon with your coins

Yes. I did it. But how it help me?

When you run the new daemon, sync it to 100%, then open your wallet with the daemon running

Once this is done, use menu option 11 (Rescan Blockchain) and type the “balance” command after that finishes

The old database information is no longer used and the new daemon has its own database

I did it/ But in mine old cli i have logs with another wallet and it have balance. Why it show me new wallet?

With your new daemon running can you try to restore from seed again from option 3 - I suspect something may have gone wrong

But If it show me new wallet adress it correct? I have another adress…