Registering wallet won't work

I have managed to recover I sent you a photo shot it’s now sycronizing​:+1:Hopefully all will be good Thanks for you incredibly good advice .will keep you posted when it’s all done :white_check_mark:

Yep so give it some time to sync now , all good.

Thanks goodness I managed to recover my old CMD wallet and the coins,and I managed to swap them to the new smart wallet.Thanks very much everything went well.I hope we won’t get a complicated wallet again in future.The developers have done great job with the new smart wallet.Keep me updated please if anything changes as would like always to be updated to avoid any inconvenience.Thanks a lot for your advice.I really appreciate it

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Hello there been having difficulties opening my Engram wallet,never had this problem since it was launched last year.but at the moment it’s not opening and if it does it takes very long to load which is there any problem with the wallet in general or are there anything new I need to do?because it’s bit frustrating.or is there updates I need to do and if so would you please send me a link.Thanks a lot in advance