Salutations! Some of my specific values that brought me to the Dero project, honesty, hard work, individual liberties, a deep desire for freedom and privacy. Influencers like Jeff Berwick and Ron Paul are bedrocks of my world view and of course my faith in God drive me to do works in his name.
My background, my family’s small business from the 80’s lead me until adulthood, almost a decade of military service helped me realize discipline on one hand and the insanity of the state on the other, a technical operations/service/maintenance of mechanical and electrical systems was my profession. That lead me into leaving the military for work in a variety of trades and taking lots of classes associated with those trades. I’ve done HVAC residential/commercial, construction, plumbing, welding / fabrication, heavy equipment operation and small scale farming operations with familiarity with several animal species and management styles. I also have take a course in permaculture design through Geoff Lawton.
I know that sound money and free market economics are the bedrock of a healthy and prosperous civilization at the macro level, and to the average man on the street as well. I’ve tried to look into projects that embody mechanisms of those beliefs/knowings and have made a list of those projects that resonate with me in that regard.
Currently I’m a big supporter of Digibyte, Monero, Pirate Chain, Theta, and now Dero as I’ve recently taken the time to start looking into the documentation and what the developers are doing. I’m very impressed with CPU mining being able to, supposedly, run a full node and mine from a raspberry pi. That which I will be doing shortly!
My coding experience is nill at the moment, all though I have signed up for a Linux online course to learn the commands / UI. I do have a lot of life experience and a desire to grow and be apart of a community that is doing important work in the way of privacy.
Some of the directions I see for a private smart contract, beyond the obvious applications like DEX’s, would be in the matters of the judiciary. One thing I’m currently doing is learning to represent my self in the court system and in so doing have discovered there is a private and public venue for law/legal matters. One for the tax slaves / wards of the state / corporations / fictitious entities / etc, and the other for private individuals / trusts / contract / etc. All though I’m not a carrying bar card attorney I do see a massive potential for private title conveyance and contract execution without the whole world knowing about it.
This would be in line with how our current judiciary works regardless of technology. I imagine the various courts around the earth would be very interested in this technology as it relates to the keeping things as they are but in a digital state.
I digress! My immediate interest in wanting to be an advocate for Dero and other decentralized and community governed projects is in spreading this technology into the local economy. My question is how far along are the Dero chapters in their organization. Is there leadership? Is their funding pools for events? Media package? Is there developer interaction with the community? How deep in a area are you wanting to take chapters?
I suppose at some point a town/county level advocate could be used but currently I don’t know of anyone in Tennessee that is pushing this project at all. From what I can see online on the tubes it appears that Monero has a large influencer community, and pirate chain is starting to grow as well in that regard, but less forward facing folks.
My target audience at the moment would be small business owners, homesteaders (people who are living close to the land), persecuted groups that are or will soon have their finances attack for their beliefs, and of course the speculators, there is room for everyone IMO.
Well that’s my two cents, look forward to the community involvement.