Dero needs to have ambassadors that help spread the good word of dero. We need people in the real world to know that dero exists so that they can get involved, use our platform and join the community. That is what makes ethereum so powerful, their massive community of believers and developers who work day and night to improve on ethereum.
We need good documentation on the deroDAG to make it easy for smart contract developers to come from ethereum to dero and for blockchain devs to come to dero as well.
Here are the responsibilities of a dero ambassador:
- Help find developers for our platform both for blockchain development and Dapp development
- Recruiting new ambassadors
- Community outreach, you will reach out to your friends and show them what dero is capable of and how there is no one who currently does this. These efforts are to get believers onboard, people who will help build the community such as developers, marketing, anyone who can help should be recruited.
- How you can do community outreach:
- host local dero meets-ups
- social media posts highlighting dero’s value proposition
- social media giveaways
Anyone who is interested please reach out to me on discord @ecrypto and join the telegram