Hi Dero community,
I have been small-cpu-mining allright since April this year.
But yet I was using xmrig.
Today I decided to switch to dero miner instead.
I try to follow this part of the wiki here https://github.com/deroproject/wiki/wiki/Mining
But it is not updated and command line is wrong, binary name is different and options are different too in reality.
So I wanted to check here if I got things correctly…
so I download this
‘wget https://github.com/deroproject/derosuite/releases/download/v2.1.6-1/dero_linux_amd64_2.1.6-1.alpha.atlantis.07032019.tar.gz’
I unpack it
Then I need to start the daemon first with command
Then I need to start the same binary with specific options such as below to start mining
‘./derod-linux-amd64 --mining-threads 2 --wallet-address dERomysuperderowalletaddressgoeshere’
I understood that I didn’t need to specify a daemon rpc bind address since it is localhost…is that right ?
Do I need to wait for the daemon to synchronize before I can launch the second command line to start mining ?
It is written in the wiki/mining that there is no mining pool for astobwt…?
In my previous setup with xmrig I was using pool.dero.network but does that means that I cannot use a pool no more…?
Can someone help/provide a gracious script to start / stop daemon via systemd for handling nicely reboots ?
Or does it is really not needed and a crontab @reboot script.sh just suffice …?
Thanks for your help.
Hello. From the sounds of it you were leveraging xmrig previously and mining to (referenced later in your post) pool.dero.network. That would be the correct implementation in order to pool mine. Currently there is no official pool mining support for dero-miner binary, so xmrig is the primary option for this and available pools are listed here: Dero (DERO) AstroBWT | Mining Pools
To shed some light on migrating over to leverage dero-miner, I’ll outline the steps below.
Get binaries from the latest source: https://github.com/deroproject/derosuite/releases/latest
You referenced running derod locally. This is the DERO Daemon, and is entirely up to you to run it (usually preferred for maximum security & privacy in rewards etc.). You can either mine against a local daemon or a remote daemon, that is entirely up to you. Here are the two options:
Running your own daemon: There is a sync process required and it can take some time. It is highly recommended to run on a system utilizing SSD for storage. You can either sync from 0 to current height (this can take upwards of a week on current mainnet implementation [to be modified in upcoming derohe/Stargate releases]), or you can get a headstart via https://blockchain.dero.network for a snapshot from earlier in the year to get you a head start and lessen the sync time. If you are mining to your own daemon, you MUST wait for your daemon to be fully in sync. You can check sync heights for reference here: https://network.dero.io or https://explorer.dero.io
Leveraging a remote daemon (e.g. explorer.dero.io:20206)
- Once you have chosen which daemon to point to, either local or remote, you will then leverage the dero-miner binary (previous your post mentioned utilizing derod w/ mining-threads defined, this is a legacy method and replaced by dero-miner standalone binary). Since you are referencing linux, this binary will be called
. You will leverage the command line options for this binary (viewed via --?) to look similar: ./dero-miner-linux-amd64 --wallet-address=<wallet_address> --daemon-rpc-address=<the address defined in steps 2a/2b, e.g. or http://explorer.dero.io:20206>
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Hello @nelbert442
Thanks for your clear answer.
I am up for running my own daemon.
Would you advise pro / con of running it locally with miner or in a separate machine ?
I noticed there is either rpc bind or p2p bind…would you be able to clarify pro & con of that as well ?
If running in separate machine is there any particular issue with exposing behind reverse_proxy ?
Regarding reboot of mining machine and/or daemon machine, would you advise on systemd service or crontab ?
Thanks again
Most likely running on the same machine as miner will just conflict as far as CPU processing etc. If you have the ability to utilize another system, could be best. Your goal is you own the systems and low latency (same/nearby network etc.)
For the daemon --rpc-bind allows you to force bind the daemon rpc port on some address/port. Same for p2p bind, allows forcing the binding of the p2p ports on some address/port. These are communications between nodes etc. and as far as mining is concerned, rpc is the port/configuration that you care about. So as long as you’re binding to something your miner can talk to.
Reboot of mining machine and daemon etc., you could utilize whichever system you prefer. I don’t personally have a preference, but if others have insight they are more than welcome to add to this discussion. Some way you have to manage restarting services etc., and allowing a proper test to be sure should suffice. Should be no issues utilizing either I wouldn’t think. Systemd probably more appropriate if worried about rebooting machines, but again up to you/your experience and preference.
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