I am syncing the blockchain from scratch using the new daemon but I am getting a lot of errors. Below is a tiny snippet
WARN[2314] TX RCT Signature failed com=BLKCHAIN txid=39dabbc67660e7f8a13ff3046e3ed1400a16ff94cefda213242dea898e420678
WARN[2314] err while unmarshallin output index data index = 67897 data_len 0 err EOF com=BLKCHAIN
WARN[2314] err while unmarshallin output index data index = 234358 data_len 0 err EOF com=BLKCHAIN
WARN[2314] err while unmarshallin output index data index = 269885 data_len 0 err EOF com=BLKCHAIN
WARN[2314] err while unmarshallin output index data index = 413310 data_len 0 err EOF com=BLKCHAIN
WARN[2314] err while unmarshallin output index data index = 509093 data_len 0 err EOF com=BLKCHAIN
here is another type example
WARN[1241] TX rejected due to low fees provided fee 15787800000 calculated fee 17513860000 com=BLKCHAIN txid=4dfc7a0ee3d9b26ecc5ecedc469b0f6a9a3249aeb1c3b7e4b42175e752d1fdf8
WARN[1241] TX rejected due to low fees provided fee 15787800000 calculated fee 17513860000 com=BLKCHAIN txid=5f6b44450ece77bb3cc1ba43e0a31be5ad9c41453de2c6c155ba41aca5e0f857
I have dozens of pages of these errors and I have only synced about 2222 blocks. Is this normal or do I have an issue. It is syncing - or at least appears to be making progress.