The Official Pool ban my IP...-.-!

Hello team,

It looks the team has few employee,

The mine pool fork form time to time, and I switch to the official pool…however:

[2018-03-04 15:21:17] [] error: “your IP is banned”, code: -1
[2018-03-04 15:21:23] [] error: “your IP is banned”, code: -1
[2018-03-04 15:21:29] [] error: “your IP is banned”, code: -1
[2018-03-04 15:21:35] [] error: “your IP is banned”, code: -1
[2018-03-04 15:21:41] [] error: “your IP is banned”, code: -1
[2018-03-04 15:21:47] [] DNS error: “no such file or directory”

It block my IP from time to time, and I this is the reason I use third part pool…

I mail to the support email showed on the official mine pool several days ago…no reply

Please help me figure out the problem…

Pool bans for several reason like invalid shares or very low diffs.
keep your share time to around 30 seconds.
It would be great if you can share your miner program so that other members may give you more valid reasons.

Hello mattkkk,

I mine on the official pool myself and I’ve noticed there are a few reasons that a ban can happen. If you switch all of your miners onto the pool without using a program like xmr proxy the new connections can cause a 10 minute ban if you switch them individually too quickly. A proxy program can help resolve this.

Additionally, I notice that you’re on port 3333 which has a low starting difficulty which can result in a problem if you’re using a powerful rig on that port. Try switching to port 5555, 7777 or using a static difficulty (wallet_address.difficulty) to get your share rate to around 30 seconds/share.

I check forums regularly, though you may also contact me on Slack, btc, or Reddit if you’d like and I’ll help in any way that I’m able.


Hello Serena and Support,

OK, I understand the part…

I use XMRIG to mine

But one question, is it possible to make a note on the official pool like that?

30H/s - 50H/s = port 3333

160H/s-200H/s = port 5555

300H/s-10000H/s=port 7777

I try to figure out which diff I need to use regarding on my hardware,but there is no clue from google…

from some guru’s reply it doesn’t matter for “small” miner care about the diff, and pool actually tries to increase the diff even you specify the port(3333,5555,7777)…But if the valid share limited to 30 seconds…then the diff make sense…

Hello Serena,

I have around 15 PCs, they vary from 20H/s - 800H/s…the totall hash rate will be 3500H/s

I use xmrig-proxy to hold them… so, what port (diff) do I need to set the proxy?

Hello Support,

I have around 15 PCs, they vary from 20H/s - 800H/s…the totall hash rate will be 3500H/s

I use xmrig-proxy to hold them… so, what port (diff) do I need to set the proxy?

Hello mattkkk,

Port 3333 has a starting difficulty of 2,000.

Port 4444 has a starting difficulty of 10,000.

Port 5555 has a starting difficulty of 50,000.

Port 7777 has a starting difficulty of 80,000

I think port 5555 or 7777 would be where I would start. The pool has a vardiff that aims for 30 second share times and seems to do well over an average 24 hour period.

The getting started section is listed under the support tab on the pool and has all the information you requested.


I also wanted to add that you can set your own share time by using wallet_address.difficulty (please aim for a 30 second share time)

Hello Serena,

Thanks for the reply…

OK, one suggestion from me, from the “getting started” page, the description say low,middle,high harware, what is the criteria for low,middle and high? that why i say in the former reply, but hash rate as reference on the “getting started” page…

Another question is, how can i calculate the difficulty for aiming for a 30 second share time?

Hello mattkkk,

I’ve added your suggestion to clarify what the descriptions mean a bit more clearly. Thank you for that feedback, we always appreciate the community giving thoughtful input.

If you take your hashrate and multiply it by 30 that will be your hashrate. You mentioned that you have a number of computers with varying hashrates. This thread may somewhat helpful.

I’m about to log off for the night but I will happily respond to your thread as soon as I wake up if you still need help of any kind.


I set the diff to 7777, and it still get banned my IP from time to time…
is it possible for you to check anything wrong?

I use xmrig and xmrig-proxy

PM your wallet address for more digging.