Unable to withdraw from Kucoin using DeroHE network, unfamiliar with DSTport


I cannot withdraw my coins from Kucoin to my DERO CLI wallet. I also do NOT know what is meant by Dstport. I was denied withdrawal when I left the field blank. I also made up a number and entered it in the Dstport field but was denied again.

I have a good number of coins already in this CLI wallet, so I believe the wallet and address are good. I had converted it to Stargate well before the deadline. The error message I receive when trying to withdraw is ‘incorrect wallet address’.

I reviewed all of the posts on this subject (starting back in July '22) but have not been able to resolve the issue. I also tried to move DERO from Kucoin to my Tradeogre account but this was also deemed an ‘incorrect wallet address.’ Desperately need some guidance. Thanks.

Believe Kucoin has had their fair share of withdrawal pauses . Last I heard they were still working on it however their support would be best.

Destport is a way to uniquely identify the txn by adding some more bits to the destination. This can be any numerical value such as 150 etc. Generally withdrawing does not require a dest port but deposits do because kucoin do not use integrated addresses for unique identification of deposits.