Web App - How to run a daemon on the cloud?

Hey guys,
got the daemon running locally but want to know how to run it in the cloud so that a web app can interact with it.
Anyone got any idea how to set this up? Preferably on a Heroku server but any info would be great.
Is anyone creating a third party service for this sort of thing? Figment Datahub is doing this for some chains (monthly subscription for an API service).


If your cloud VPS has screen installed then I would use it that way. I’ve created a a clouple of listeners and monitors for my mining and run it using screen in the background you can also add it to crontab with @reboot or call it from web refresh in my case I use php “for now” to restart it.

There are screens on:
1156.DEROMini (26/04/22 06:45:34) (Detached)
1145.DEROMonitor (26/04/22 06:45:29) (Detached)
1124.DEROWallet (26/04/22 06:45:24) (Detached)
1104.DEROMiner (26/04/22 06:45:19) (Detached)
1082.DERODaemon (26/04/22 06:45:14) (Detached)
5 Sockets in /run/screen/S-ricardo.

@reboot sleep 15 ; cd /home/ricardo/DERO/ && /usr/bin/screen -S DERODaemon -d -m /home/ricardo/DERO/launchDerod.bash
@reboot sleep 20 ; cd /home/ricardo/DERO/ && /usr/bin/screen -S DEROMiner -d -m /home/ricardo/DERO/launchLocal.bash
@reboot sleep 25 ; cd /home/ricardo/DERO/ && /usr/bin/screen -S DEROWallet -d -m /home/ricardo/DERO/launchWallet.bash
@reboot sleep 30 ; cd /home/ricardo/DERO/html/ && /usr/bin/screen -S DEROMonitor -d -m /usr/bin/php -S -t /home/ricardo/DERO/html/
@reboot sleep 35 ; cd /home/ricardo/DERO/html/ && /usr/bin/screen -S DEROMini -d -m /home/ricardo/DERO/html/mini.php