ANN: Atlantis to Stargate Swap

Good Morning

As of April 15th, 2024, the Stargate coins from the Atlantis swap will be burned. Any pending swaps will be completed before the burn and no further requests to swap coins will be accepted. It is far past the deadline window and many courtesy requests for late swaps have been granted already.

Any requests to swap after this time will be rejected so, please take the necessary steps to ensure that your DERO Coins are on the Stargate chain and not Atlantis.


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Why can I read my reply in this topic?

Is this person are DERO term member and can give me the right way to find my dero back?

I can"t contact Captain with Discord and Matrix because many people named captain or no answer with my invite,maybe you can connection dero captain each other and tell me how to contact with him…and so on.

It seems everybody of Dero team are disappeared?Why?

Many are around, just prefer discord, matrix mediums rather than forums. All social links bottom of Any important announcements have been crossposted here whenever possible. But day to day conversations occur in those other mediums primarily.